
你所爱的人正在踏上一个新的和令人兴奋的旅程在bet36365体育这里, 有很多建立新友谊的机会, 培养难忘的时刻, 庆祝未来的成就. 然而,在一个新的环境中可能会令人生畏. 那些刚进入大学校园的人一踏进校园就常常感到不知所措.

Numerous studies indicate that student retention and persistence to graduation is impacted by the connection they feel to their campus environment. 通过加入兄弟会或姐妹会, 你所爱的人将有机会认识许多新的和忠诚的学生, 他们的会员资格将立即开始加深他们与校园的联系. 此外,兄弟会和姐妹会的校友报告a 更强的幸福感 在他们的职业生涯中, 社区, 财务状况, 身体, 在社会方面和非附属大学校友相比.

作为家长, 《bet36365体育》, 或者家庭成员, we want  YOU to be an active partner in your loved one’s fraternity or sorority experience by becoming familiar with the 社区 and supporting your student along the way. The 联谊会 and 女生联谊会的生活 Office is a resource to you as you learn more or have questions.

Here are a few ways that you can support your loved one as they begin and maintain their fraternity or sorority membership.

  • 保持联系并检查他们,确保他们有一个有意义的经验. 如果感觉不对劲,鼓励他们寻求帮助.
  • 有时间的时候参加活动. 有一个爱的人参与他们的经历意味着很多.
  • 问问题,表现出你对他们经历的兴趣. 即使兄弟会或姐妹会不是你的经历, encouraging how it can continue to positively your loved can make the difference in their college experience.
  • 不要把你的大学经历传授给你所爱的人. 无论兄弟会或姐妹会是否是你经历的一部分, allow your loved one to navigate their own journey and make meaning of the experiences that they need to learn and grow.

You can also stay connected with happenings on bet36365体育’s campus and 联谊会 and 女生联谊会的生活 by joining the FSL Community Page in the Loper Family Connection. 我们会定期发布故事, bet36365体育, 以及社区的亮点,让您随时了解!



对于那些不熟悉bet36365体育兄弟会和姐妹会生活的人, 以下是一些常见的问题.